Choosing Brave: How Mamie Till-Mobley and Emmett Till Sparked the Civil Rights Movement

A book review of Choosing Brave by Angela Joy

By Angela Joy; Illustrated by Janelle Washington

On the last day of Women’s History Month, I want to share this amazing picture book. While picture books are usually written for children, this book is definitely written for adults as well. The paper cut art that illustrates the story is magnificent (and the artist is self-taught).

The book begins with the hardest and bravest choice that Mamie Till- Mobley ever had to make, on August 31, 1955, when she choose to have her murdered son sent back home to her.

After this introductory page, we learn about Mamie’s life. Her parents had moved north during The Great Migration in search of a better life than what was offered in the South.

Mamie’s life was not easy and she gave birth to her son, Emmett Louis Till, at the age of nineteen. The birth was very difficult – to the point where Emmett entered the world so scarred that doctors wanted to institutionalize him. Mamie chose the harder thing and brought her child home.

While I had learned of Emmett Till at different points in my life and read other picture books about him, this book adds so much more detail, understanding, and love to his story that I had not encountered previously. It is very clear in this book that his story was a part of his mother’s story, who loved him very much.

It’s the love that really shines in this book. Mamie’s brave choices were rooted in love.

I highly recommend reading this book.

The Peace Book

By Todd Parr

Even though I wasn’t looking for picture books at my last visit to the library, I couldn’t help but see this one on the new books shelf.

I love, love, love Todd Parr’s books for little ones (and adults). Some of my favorites include:

It’s Okay to be Different

It’s Okay to Make Mistakes

The Family Book

And The Goodbye Book

His latest book has exactly what my soul has been craving. Familiar, bold, colorful illustrations catch my eyes, while his observations about peace make me smile. They also remind my inner child what my adult self has forgotten.

We all need peace. While this may seem like a beautifully illustrated book for children, it’s really a book for everyone (including adults).

As always, his book includes a love note from the author at the end.

Warrior Princess: the Story of Khutulun

by Sally Deng

This picture book biography about the story of Khutulun is amazing. I truly love the art showing Khutulun wrestling with her brothers and other warriors. The horses and riders seem to flow along the pages and I would have been thrilled to have seen this book when I was a child.

Continue reading “Warrior Princess: the Story of Khutulun”